Re.solve gives men the skincare to make their skin look its best.
About the brand
Re.solve skincare for men active ingredients
Plant extract with soothing and anti-oxidizing properties
Blocks both UV-A and UV-B rays protects your skin from the sun
Excellent moisturising properties and soothes irritated skin
Rich in antioxidants, a good exfoliator, resulting in radiant skin
Absorbs dirt, prevents impurities and deeply cleanse the skin
Lightens discolourations on the skin, such as sunspots
For oily skin, from the rare Alpine plant Epilobium Fleischeri
Has an anti-oxidizing effect and protects the skin from aging
Quick fixes: the Re.solve SKINWEAR range
We are for the man that wants to feel good about how he looks, turn a weakness into a strength and live his best life as a result. We believe in more that just looking presentable, we encourage men to take action and embrace a new level of personal skincare.